
Genset Perkins Genset Perkins 350 Kva, 2206A-E13TAG2 ; Silent Type ; Brand New and Build Up Unit

Introduction - For Your Need To Know :

The 2200 Series engine has been developed using the latest engineering techniques and builds on the strengths of the already very successful 2000 Series family and addresses today’s uncompromising demands within the power generation industry. Developed from a proven heavy-duty industrial base, these products offer superior performance and reliability.

The 2206A-E13TAG Has Two Varian or Type : 2206A-E13TAG2 and 2206A-E13TAG3, range are 6 cylinder, 12.5 Liter ( 12.500 Cc ), turbocharged air-to-air charge cooled diesel engines. This Engine Does Not Comply To Harmonized International Regulated for Emission Limited.  But It’s premium features provide exceptional power to weight ratio resulting in exceptional fuel consumption. 

The overall performance and reliability characteristics make this the prime choice for today’s power generation industry.



Introduction -

For your information, Diesel Generator Set ( Genset ) Perkins ini Menggunakan Type Engine 2206A-E13TAG2, Engine yg Masih Tergolong Baru Dalam Family Perkins 2000 Series yg Terus Di Kembangkan Sebagai Jawaban Tuntutan Permintaan Pasar atas Regulasi Dunia yg Terus Berkembang, dan Engine Seri 2206A terdiri dari 2 Type Yaitu : 2206A-E13TAG2 dan 2206A-E13TAG3. Memiliki Configurasi 6 cylinder inline dan kapasitas engine 12.5 Liter ( 12.500 CC ) di Lengkapi Dengan Turbocharged Air-to-Air Charged Cooled,  Sehingga Menghasilkan Power yg Bagus dan Penggunaan Bahan bakar yg Lebih Effisien. Engine 2206A-E13TAG2 Di Rancang Dengan Menggunakan Platform Engine Type Sebelumnya Yg Durability Dan Endurance nya tidak dapat di Ragukan lagi dalam Dunia Heavy Duty Industrial Engine.

Spec and Data Sheet :

Engine type 2206A-E13TAG2 ;Turbo Charged air-to-air Charge Cooled ; 6 cylinder Vertical inline ; Direct Injection ; 4 Stroke ; Bore x Stroke : 130 x 157 mm ; Displacement 12.5 Liter ; Compression Ratio 16.3 : 1 ; Oil Capacity ( Pan Oil ) 40 Liter ;  Generator Stamford ; 1500 Rpm, 50 Hz, 220/380 Volt, 3 Phase, Pf 0,8, dengan kapasitas 350 Kva Prime rating atau 280 Kw Prime Rating.

 Scoupe Of Supply :

Digital control panel by deepsea or Similar, MCCB, muffler, flexible muffler, daily tank, battery with cable battery, Certificate of Origin, Manual Book. 

Warranty : 

Garansi 1 tahun / 2000 jam operasi mana yang tercapai terlebih dahulu dan semua unit yg Kami delivery sebelumnya sdh dilakukan test loadbank di Workshop Kami Sebagai Standard Operasional Procedure.

Harga :


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